

In-Person, Skype or Phone Sessions

Know yourself and your life purpose more deeply, and shed meaning into the sometimes incomprehensible changes and transitions encountered in your past and present, as well as the “astrological weather” that is in your future. Understand other people and how they are different. Since astrology shows the differing needs, drives and motivations that make us the unique beings that we are, it can be a very helpful tool for looking at relationships of all kinds, including romantic, parent/child, friendship and employer/employee. Also, take advantage of the remarkable tool called astrocartography, which uses a map of the world to reveal how different locations bring parts of your birth chart (and thus different dimensions of your being) to the forefront of your life. This can be helpful in making relocation choices or even decisions about doing business with people from other parts of the world.

Gavin digitally records all of his consultations, and will e-mail you a download link after the session is over, so you can have a copy for your personal use.

Consultations are by appointment only.  You may use the form at the bottom of the page to contact Gavin and get further information.

Initial Session: Getting Started

Cost £100 for 90 minutes

Explore the basic design of your life and your inner resources, as well as the growth and learning challenges that are part of your path. We also examine how your chart is currently being activated, which can shed much understanding into the present phase of your life.

Follow-Ups: Get Some Specifics

Cost £100 for 90 minutes
or £75 for 60 minutes

Explore your birth chart further. These extra sessions may involve looking at relationships, analyzing family dynamics, catching up with the current cycles, “quizzing” the chart for further insights in other areas of life, or even considering relocational possibilities.

Relationship: Interaction With Others

Cost £100 for 90 minutes

Examine the connections between your chart and that of another significant person. Explore the spiritual purpose of your relationship, and illuminate  areas of compatibility and potential conflict. Learn why you experience others the way you do, and how to get along better with someone with different needs, tastes or values.

Astro-Locality: Your Place In The World

Cost £100 for 90 minutes
or £75 for 60 minutes

An astrolocality or astrocartography map plots multiple zones of influence on a map of the world, representing places where parts of your birth chart are brought to the forefront of your life experience. Many people use this tool to assist in their relocation decisions, to choose other places to explore or visit, and to understand how their lives may be changed by a new location.

Get Started

Start exploring your place in the world, and how to tackle the challenges ahead.
E-mail Gavin today for information on how to set up a phone, or in-person consultation.

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